(My) writings within...
This section contains (or will contain) links to all original material on this site.
I will share my general perspectives and thoughts on soulbonding, with a bit about definitions, history of the concept, guides, tips, etc. As I’ve explained elsewhere, you will not likely get a “meet my fam” page on here about all my current soulbonds, etc. I will probably be writing about plenty of them over time, though…
I’ll also talk about how soulbonding relates to more “mainstream” (but mostly alternative) spiritual beliefs, how it changed my perspective on things like traditional spiritwork in the Western magical tradition, and how the latter changed my views on soulbonding. These sections may not resonate or apply to your average soulbonder, but who knows?
There will also hopefully be a few pages about fun aspects of soulbonding which, while a bit frivolous, do help you develop stronger friendships with your soulbonds and gain more from the relationship mutually. I want to share some thoughts, for example, about things such as bounding, cosplay, art, and shrine-building in this context.
The majority of these essays are longer, and, as such, are located on their own page. Some are simply links to explanatory material sprinkled throughout this site on other pages. I'll be jotting down tentative (yet specific) plans for each section (article ideas, etc) as well, but these may or may not actually go anywhere. You can see other notes about updates and plans here.
General Thoughts and Information
Here, you will find my most general takes, and gathered information on soulbonding. These include both the most basic of details as well as my own opinions on things like terminology, how soulbonding as a concept developed over the last quarter-century, and my thoughts on frequent topics like soulbonding as a propensity and interacting with soulbonds.
- What is Soulbonding? This (currently) appears on the main page of this site, so you may have already read it, but it explains a bit about how I define soulbonding. Much of it relies on references to other sites (so far), but it gives you a good idea of what I mean when I use the word.
- Glossary Soulbonders have, over the years, coined many neologisms to talk about our experiences. A lot of these terms can be obtuse and draw from eclectic sources. This portion includes separate glossaries for occult-related terms that are relevant, as well as my own personal terminology.
- My Avoid Dance An article focusing on tendencies within soulbonding, alterhuman, and related communities that I, personally, see as red flags and tend to avoid. This should not be treated as a “do not interact” page, nor deemed to apply to everyone, but will hopefully make people think and start conversations about these things.
Ideas for future essays in this section may (or may not) include:
- Soulbonding and the Small Web. Why the “return” to a more customizable, individualized way of expressing yourself online (rather than within the auspices of social media) can be a positive thing for outré communities like our own and other alterhuman groups.
- Banishings and Vanishings I've spoken about my personal community red flags, but what are some red flags to consider when working with particular spirits such as soulbonds? I want to discuss this with some advice from occult sources and experiences.
Here, one finds a short section with a focus on my own personal experiences with (and surrounding) soulbonding and my soulbonds. A lot of this is pretty private, so I won’t post much, but there are some things I definitely want to share! I may also write about my experiences with other forms of spiritwork, too - over the past few years, I’ve come to see a lot of overlap. Again, this is an intensely personal topic, but I can share some of it.
Ideas for future essays in this section may (or may not) include:
- Chosen Friends. The idea of choosing one’s soulbonds gives most soulbonders I’ve interacted with mixed reactions. It is without a doubt possible, but ought it be done? If so, under what conditions is it appropriate? I want to write about this, and how chosen soulbonding can be a positive experience for both.
- High Strangeness and Me. The concept of High Strangeness is meant to imply a non-physical origin for experiences like UFOs, cryptids, etc. These are spontaneous experiences, much like the type of spiritwork that we call soulbonding. For me, they’re connected. Sounds weird, but I want to try and explain why.
The occult. What a scary word, eh? What does it even mean? Why do I keep saying soulbonding, of all things, has an occult connection? In this section, I will (hopefully) make a case for why I believe it does (by certain definitions), and why learning more about the occult can be beneficial to those who, like me, experience soulbonding and related phenomena.
- Is Soulbonding Occult? Well, is it? I make my case (mostly by defining my terms) here. You’re free to disagree, and hey, we all see things differently, but this gives you an idea of why I keep saying it is occult, why I bring (more than usual) occult techniques and ideas into my practices as a soulbonder, and how it influences my relationships with my soulbonds.
- Occult Objections Many, many occultists, when given a quick peek at the bare idea of soulbonding will either laugh or immediately try to frame the concept as "fluffy" or somehow worthless, compared to their own serious wizardly studies into the secrets of esotericism. I want to discuss their objections.
Ideas for future essays in this section may (or may not) include:
- Cults and the Occult. Part of the reason (I think) why the word “occult” frightens people is that it makes them think of, well, cults. Things like Scientology, or maybe “evil” secret societies. While the two concepts are distinct, cults do often borrow occult concepts in their beliefs, including spiritwork. This is something we should talk about.
- Are Spirits Living? I use the phrase “living spirits” to describe soulbonds (and a lot of other entities) on this site. Other occultists (mostly chaos magicians and high magic sorts) use the phrasing occasionally too. I’d like to write a bit about what it means to me, why it is important, etc. This goes into the different “models” of understanding occultism a bit.
- Tulpamancy? I already wrote a bit about why I use the word “soulbond” for many different kinds of spirits rather than calling some of them “tulpas” as has become popular online. I’ve seen vehement arguments against this in the past and I want to address them.
This site isn’t entirely serious musings on spiritual stuff. There’s actually a lot of really fun things you can do that are related to, or helpful with, soulbonding. These kinds of activities, in my experience, deepen the connection and are just enjoyable. A lot of them do have occult aspects (or can) but plenty are just fun, for you and them. I’ll hopefully get to write some about them here.
Ideas for future essays in this section may (or may not) include:
- Crafting with Soulbonds. I'm not speaking of witchcraft here, but actual physical crafts such as knitting or making small objects to represent one's connection to one's soulbonds. I really like this.
- Bounding. Though it seems like a silly dress-up game, especially when compared to actually cosplaying a character, it can be an interesting way to channel your soulbonds and allow them to have new experiences with you. Sharing some thoughts, links, and ideas.
- Shrines for Soulbonds? The term “shrine” is incredibly broad, as anyone spending ten minutes on your average DIY platform like neocities can tell you. I think shrines of various sorts (physical and otherwise) can be a fun way of connection. I want to share some ideas.