Site Matters

This page focuses on matters related to the maintenance and upkeep of this site itself, such as the update log and a section about the webmistress. This includes an area listing (almost) all site additions and changes, as well as a section covering future plans and goals for the site.

You can also find (I hope, albeit slowly, over time) link to some cool sites, webrings, and places online related to soulbonding, especially on neocities (the platform hosting this site). If you’d like a link to your site, listing, or webring to be added, do contact me, and that can happen.

I may well even create my own webring specifically for soulbonders, but it may be quite some time before it appears. Is anyone interested? Soulbonding, being so private, might not work well alongside a webring? We’ll see. Definitely let me know if there’s interest!

This section contains contact information and ways of interacting with this site - helpful if you’d like to drop me a line in some way, shape, or form, or leave a message for other visitors. I am open to genuine, respectful dialogue about most topics discussed on this site, and definitely open to learning more about new perspectives. That said, obvious trolls will be blocked/banned, as will anyone whose clear purpose here is merely to cause problems.


Connect in the cbox below, or with me via email. I am accessible on Discord as here too. If you have a related site, please do share the link below, and I’ll add it to this page. Note: if asking a specific question about my own experiences or something like that, keep in mind that (unless you specify otherwise in your message) I might just respond by posting a short article on the site rather than with a few lines of chat. This helps me by inspiring me to write more.

Hostile messages and trolls will be deleted and banned, of course. I will remove all messages disrespecting the privacy of others, too. Do not engage in protracted flame wars with other people in this venue - I’ve had this issue with folks in another cbox. If you want to have a long fight with someone, please exchange contact info here and do so in private. Messages unrelated to the topic of this site may be ignored or removed as well.

Site Updates

I’ve had plans for the creation of this site for over two years, but did not really have the mechanism for doing so in a decent way prior to discovering neocities. I’d registered the domain name as I often do, but struggled to choose hosting that met my needs. Other sites, with more of a social media focus, simply didn’t give me the control I wanted, and had awful communities, to boot, so I ditched those ideas.

Here I am, though, having begun this site in earnest on July 26th, 2024. If there’s something you think I ought to add, write about, or otherwise include, contact me or just leave a public message.

  • September 7th, 2024 After figuring out some sweet coding moves, I've made significant structural updates that will hopefully make organizing this site easier in the future. I was concerned about sharing links to material on it because URLs might change; hopefully the problem is now solved.
  • September 5th, 2024 I tried to draft emails to a couple of people I really respect who wrote and keep sites about soulbonding these days but I was too nervous to actually send them. I feel silly about it, but still.
  • September 1st, 2024 Posted a sort of 2.0 Version of the Soulbond Code. Head over to the page and have a look. You might also notice that my own soulbond code is now in the sticky sidebar.
  • August 30th, 2024 Posted general introduction to occultism and soulbonding. These topics can be not only compatible but helpful when explored together.
  • August 25th, 2024 The site, rather than consisting of a single page, has been split into four neat sections. This was much more difficult than you would think, but I'm feeling alright.
  • August 21st, 2024 The site now has a small community section featuring some fun stuff from the archives, information about symbolism, and more.
  • August 20th, 2024 Added short introductions to each category of links within the archive to provide context. Uploaded PDF collection of early soulbonding material.
  • August 19th, 2024 The site now includes an essay (by me) at the beginning explaining my choice to use the word “soulbond” itself, and why it is important to me.
  • August 18, 2024 All currently-curated links categorized, uploaded, and displayed on site.
  • July 26, 2024 Domain name registered long ago; neocities username created and tied into domain name along with other behind-the-scenes things.

Tentative Plans

  • Contact some authors I'm quoting. This is polite and might help start some kind of discussion or dialogue, and plus I have a lot of respect for them for maintaining some of these sites for such a long time.
  • Finish putting together the community section. So far, it doesn't have much content, but I've got plenty to say on the topic and would like to upload a few original articles, as well as shorter bits of my own thoughts
  • Post about soulbonding and crafts. I'm not speaking of witchcraft here, but actual physical crafts such as knitting or making small objects to represent one's connection to one's soulbonds. I really like this.
  • Post about "bounding." Though it seems like a silly dress-up game, especially when compared to actually cosplaying a character, it can be an interesting way to channel your soulbonds and allow them to have new experiences with you.
  • Several deeply-controversial articles on the way. They primarily focus on comparing soulbonding to older (and other) forms of spirit communication. I expect controversy because it's definitely a unique take, I guess...


My experiences with soulbonding began around age seven.

This age seems common, as far as others I’ve spoken with. It’s one of those things nobody seems to want to write or even talk about, but I do believe there are some aspects to certain specific points (or experiences) in childhood that predispose a person to this kind of thing. I might write about it later. Suffice to say there were (perhaps) paranormal experiences prior to any contact with soulbonds, and others have told me similar.

My first soulbond was accidental and quite a pleasant surprise; her name was Ramona, and perhaps you met her, too? I met her during recess one day, having spent most of lunchtime reading about her.

I wan’t confused, scared, or hurt - just surprised that I couldn’t shed the conversation I was having with this supposedly imaginary “character.” That day, at recess, I actually sat quietly underneath the slide, just talking silently, and wondering if would could happen again…

Later, I met Felicity, who introduced me to the past, and often invited me to “sit with” her while complex events occurred in her life, sharing memories, I suppose. In 6th grade, an aloof boy named Jonas happened to cross my path. Surprisingly a bad influence, he didn’t stay as long as some of the others. My childhood soulbonds were almost all from books, but that hasn’t been true as an adult.

By the time I reached puberty, I’d mostly put it all down to an overactive imagination, though I'd had many such friends come and go since, and kept it relatively private. It didn’t seem to cause much harm, and I seemed unable to stop. I can’t quite remember when I learned the word “soulbonding” online, but it immediately resonated with me.

I began to feel a bit less alone in my experiences, and found people on Livejournal and other sites who shared their own. I was able to compare, and some of it helped me make sense of it all.

You might be surprised how readily I took to the notion that my friends might be extant, separate entities than myself. Spirits. The idea would probably sound absolutely nonsensical to anyone who hasn’t experienced it, or who isn’t inclined to crave it, after all.

I began to (very casually and carefully) interact with other soulbonders online, and felt incredibly welcomed. Granted, some people I encountered (for example, the Draven, who did try to recruit me once) were awfully negative, but many were such gentle dreamers. I even wrote about my soulbonding on my own site as a teen, with mixed responses from non-soulbonder friends.

Still, the internet, and soulbonders online, made me feel less freakish about what I experienced with so many different fictional characters, some of whom were “original” to me, so to speak.

Outside of soulbonding, I discovered the occult. I developed a complex relationship with things like magic, scrying, and channeling, and was unable to shake the parallels between some of it and my experiences as a soulbonder. I tried my best to hide my occultism from my soulbonder friends, and made the same attempts vice versa of course.

I suspected outside of a few very wide-minded chaos mages, most occultists would sneer at the very idea. And? They still probably will. Do I care? No, I can’t bring myself to care that people who talk to angels and demons on the regular are judging me for having unseen friends of a more average variety.

Nowadays, I see no point in avoiding the occult implications of the concept, because they’re useful in thinking about it (to me, at least). Other people who used the term “soulbond” may have less occult inclinations, but mine were utterly inescapable. This site’s tone and content remains a testament to this, several decades after my first touching a book on magic (which, mind you, was a bit before I discovered the word soulbonder.

I won’t exactly say I’m promoting this outlook to other soulbonders. It seems like most of us are metaphysically-inclined, but that doesn’t make us all interested in the occult. I personally believe soulbonding qualifies as an occult practice. Others may disagree, seeing things differently semantically or otherwise. Many do have a very different approach to things, and would probably rather leave occult techniques and practices aside. I’m more looking for others (people with similar experiences, that is) who may share this occult approach, though.

have no plans to post any kind of “full list” list of my current soulbonds or those I occasionally sit with, or who come to sit with me. I understand why many soulbonders do post such things, and it can be immensely freeing to talk about it openly. I'm not comfortable with some of it personally, though, nor are some of my soulbonds. Nina β seems the most comfortable with online interaction thus far, but hopefully that will change and encompass others.

Sometimes I'll refer to them with a symbol or emoji for privacy reasons, if requested. They tend to be day-trippers in the parlance of the community, and most came to me spontaneously, though I have (both recently and in the past) met with soulbonds I sought through occult techniques.

I originally came to neocities in hopes of challenging myself to (re)learn computer coding. I’m in my late thirties, and am particularly interested in the older crowd like myself.

Oh, and yes, every site I run on neocities uses a slightly different pen name, yet they’re all undeniably manifestations of me. In other words, I’m not plural nor multiple; I’m a spiritworker who interacts with spirits I call soulbonds. And I, myself, am not a soulbond - Curatrix is the name I use here, though. If you dig enough, yes, you’ll find my other sites, with other names. I’m not terribly concerned, because that isn’t why I use separate names to begin with.


  • Foollovers, a Japanese site, provided the majority of graphics and initial base template for use on this site, which was then heavily modified in a manner consistent with their terms and conditions.
  • Other graphics and illustrations used within these pages were (as best as I could) taken from public domain sources which (like the woodcuts here) are free to use, or are memes without a discernible origin point.
  • This site is hosted by neocities, a static site host for which I pay only $5 a month and run multiple sites, albeit small ones. The community is clever and creative. Worth a visit!
  • This domain is registered through.. sigh. GoDaddy. It’s not perfect, but it was easy to use for me. I may someday switch to Namecheap, assuming that is even possible
  • The native neocities visit counter shown at the bottom of every page was the work of Dannarchy as explained by Goblin-Heart, with some aesthetic modifications.